
Kevin's Secondary DOS/Windows System

The computer I built to use at work is made up of parts from all these folks...

Creative Labs SB16 / GraphicsBlaster 3D
1.6 GB Drive
Archive 250MB Tape / Conner Disk 200MB SiS 5571 Chipset M-Tech R534
2X CD-ROM 15 SVGA Monitor 5.25 Inch Drive
FM Radio Card 3 Button Mouse SMC 8013 Combo Mistumi Disk Drive P100

M-Technology, Inc., R534G PCI Motherboard Supporting AMD K5/6, Cyrix 686, and Intel MMX Processors,
4 72 pin SIMM & 2 DIMM slots, SiS 5571 Chipset, Award BIOS, 50-83MHz bus, 5 ISA & 3 PCI slots,
Winbond I/O Chipset on board w/ Dual Bus Mastering IDE, Printer, 2 Serial, 2 USB, PS/2 Mouse
Creative GraphicsBlaster 3D PCI Video Adapter w/ 4MB RAM
Creative Labs (Panasonic CR563) 2X CD-ROM
SMC 8013 Combo Network Adapter Card
Archive 312500 QIC-80 Tape Drive
Supra 144LC External FaxModem
Creative Labs SB16 Sound Card
SuperCom 15" SVGA Monitor
Aztech FM Radio Tuner Card
Mitsumi 3.5" 1.44MB Drive
LogiTech 3 Button Mouse
Creative Labs Speakers
Teac 5.25 1.2MB Drive
Maxtor 1.6 GB Drive
Intel P100 CPU

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Last edited: February 08th, 2011
Maintainer: Kevin R. Bulgrien
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