
Kevin's UnixWare 2.03 System

My UnixWare 2.03 system is made up of parts from all these folks...

Zoom 14.4 Modem M-Tech R534
AMD DX4-120 CD Interface 1.2 MB Drive
3 Button Mouse SMC 8013 Combo Mistumi Disk Drive Sony 2x CD 3 Button Mouse

M-Technology, Inc., R407e VL Local Bus Motherboard Supporting AMD 486/X5 Intel 486, and Cyrix 586 Processors,
(2) 72 pin SIMM & (8) 30 pin SIMM slots, AMI BIOS, SiS Chipset, 40MHz CPU bus, 8 ISA, (3 VESA slots)
DTC-2278 VL Bus Dual IDE Controller with 2S, 1P, 1G Ports
Cirrus Logic VL Bus Video Adapter w/ 1MB RAM
SMC 8013 Combo Network Adapter Card
Sony (Proprietary Interface) 2X CD-ROM
Sun-Moon-Star CD-ROM Interface Card
Dexxa (Logitech OEM) 3 Button Mouse
NEC 14" MultiSync II SVGA Monitor
Zoom 14.4 External FaxModem
Western Digital 1.2 GB Drive
Mitsumi 3.5" 1.44MB Drive
16MB 72 pin SIMM RAM
8MB 30 pin SIMM RAM

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Last edited: February 08th, 2011
Maintainer: Kevin R. Bulgrien
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